How to check the possibility of Love Marriage with Lover by Natal Chart?

There are many such love stories that do not reach their end, that is, their relationship ends before marriage. Whatever be the excuse, but the lepipan becomes such a situation that lovers are tied into the thread of married life through traditional marriage rather than love and marriage. But there are some people whose love is successful in getting their love. It is said in astrology consultancy that there are some yogas that when present in the horoscope, the person's love is successful in marriage. Here we talk about some such yogas which are necessary for love marriage.
- In the case of love marriage astrology, in the case of love, mainly, Venus, Mars, Moon and Rahu Ketu are evaluated. Venus is the factor of sex in the horoscope of the male and the sex factor in the horoscope of the guru female. The moon is considered to be the attracting planet at first sight. Whereas, Mars is the planet to take risks and break the Rahu Ketu tradition. Therefore, the love of these planets is very important in marriage.
- When Mars is in the seventh house in the horoscope, Manglik creates yoga which works to increase the distance in married life, but the same Mars when the seventh lord is with the planet lord or is having a visual relationship with him, then the love of person h is exhaled. . For example, if you are in Libra or Taurus in seventh house, then your lord Venus is in fourth, seventh or eighth house from Mars.
- If Venus is in the horoscope with Saturn or Rahu or in the seventh house from Venus or if Saturn Rahu is looking at Venus from other place, then love is formed.
- If Venus is with the Ascendant or the lord of the seventh house or is having a visionary relationship with it then the person / love is married. As the moon in this picture is with Venus in its house in the lagna and in the seventh house, Shanil is sitting in his zodiac and is making love of marriage.
- When the lord of the fifth house is in the seventh house and the lord of the seventh house is in the fifth house then the love of the person is married. Even if the masters of both the houses are looking at each other, love creates the sum of poison. In this horoscope, Saturn is in the seventh house as the lord of the fifth house and Mars is the lord of the seventh house and is sitting in the fifth house and is making love of marriage. If you are not able to get solution then consult famous astrologer.
- If Mars is with the lord of the fifth house of the horoscope or is being seen by it, then love is the sum of marriage. In this horoscope, Mars is sitting in the fifth house and Saturn, the lord of the fifth house, is watching him.
- If Venus is with Mars or Rahu in the horoscope, then the person's love can be disguised, but in this, devotion is more than dedication in love.
- In the fifth house of the horoscope, Venus and the Moon are becoming fertile, if the lord of the fifth house is with them or is seeing them, then love is married.
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