How to Get Glowing Skin With Wine Facial?

It is very important to take care of the skin regularly to look beautiful. Sometimes extra care is also necessary. So that the glow of the face remains intact. It is decided that once in a month the parlor is definitely visited. But if you have ever done a facial at home, if not a wine facial, then try it today. Wine is not very good for health but it is definitely good for beauty. On the other hand, if you are troubled by the problem of hair, then washing the hair with beer gives relief. Wine is used for facials. So let's know how to do facial with wine.
Step-1 First of all clean your face. For this, you can also make a cleansing of wine itself. Take wine in a bowl, after that add two drops of lemon in it. Clean it with the help of cotton.
Step-2 After cleaning the face thoroughly, do scrubbing. For this, take wine in a bowl and mix rice powder in it. Make a thick paste by mixing both. Apply it on the face with light hands and keep moving it in circular motion. After this, leave it on the skin for 5 minutes. Then clean the face with a wet towel.
Step 3 Don't forget to take steam after scrubbing. So that the black and white heads present on the face are easily removed. And the face will be very clear. Yes, definitely take steam on the face for about 3 minutes. This will remove the dead skin accumulated around the nose and on the forehead. For more information consult world famous astrologer.
Step 4 Now you have to apply face pack. Yes, first of all take wine in a bowl and mix 1 spoon of honey, two spoons of curd in it. Mix all well. And then apply with the help of a brush. Leave the face pack on for 25 minutes. After this, wipe it lightly with a wet towel. This will make your skin glow.
Step 5 Don't forget to apply toning. Which is most important. After facial, take rose water in cotton and apply it on the face. Gradually your face will glow. Also oil will not be seen separately.
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